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  4. »Retirement reception for Division of Facilities director and associate director

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

December 6, 2021

Retirement reception for Division of Facilities director and associate director

Submitted by Lori Hayden

The Division of Facilities invites you to join us as we honor Loleta Sump, director of customer service, and Dale Rivett, associate director, at a come-and-go retirement reception from 2-3:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 9, in 132 Dykstra Hall.

Sump joined the Division of Facilities in December 1982 and, in her own words, found a home. She has held the positions of payroll clerk, payroll supervisor, office manager, administrative officer and public service administrator. Currently, she serves as the director of facilities customer service and oversees the management of the Customer Service Call Center, Central Mail Services, Facilities Storeroom, Vehicle Maintenance, Motor Pool, Space Scheduling, special events and is the designated approving authority for unmanned aerial flights on K-State's main campus and affiliated locations. She has spent almost 40 years in loyal service to K-State and the Division of Facilities.

She holds a bachelor's degree in organizational management and leadership from Friends University, a master's degree in adult occupational and continuing education with an emphasis in conflict management from Kansas State University, and is a certified public administrator.

Her retirement plans include spending additional time traveling to various parts of the country to visit her daughter, son, two stepsons and nine grandchildren.

"Customer service has always been a passion of mine and the Division of Facilities blessed me with opportunities to serve the campus community in many ways for almost four decades," Sump said. "Growing up in rural Kansas, and being in 4-H for much of my youth, taught me to live by the motto 'make the best better.' However, it was here at K-State, that I learned that continuous process improvement is how you 'make the best better.' Thank you, Facilities and K-State, for helping me become the best I can be!"

In addition to the reception, because Sump has overseen so many departments that deal directly with entities across campus and the Manhattan community, a KUDO Board has been created for her. If you would like to share a note of congratulations or gratitude, please visit the board to post your message

Rivett moved to Manhattan from Michigan in 1985 after working for several years in purchasing, project management and plant management at the International Multifoods and Quaker Oats. He began his career with K-State's Division of Facilities in October of 1999. For more than 22 years, Rivett has served in several capacities of the Facilities administration, such as creating and tracking EBF funds budgets, customer service and project management. In 2013, Rivett was asked to be on the search committee to review and make recommendations for a new work management system. Rivett had a significant role in the selection of the AiM Asset Works system and served on the implementation team. In June 2014 the AiM system went live, and Database Management became a significant addition to his arena of responsibilities.

Rivett and his wife, Barbara, have been married for 46 years and have one daughter, Kelli, and three grandchildren, Alex, 25; Gaige, 19; and Maddie, 13.

"People keep asking me if I'm going to miss working," Rivett said. "The answer is 'yes' and 'no.' I will miss the working relationships that have been made over the last 22 years. We have great people working at Facilities and that I will miss daily. I want to say 'thank you' for sharing your working life with me and I'm sure that we will run into each other again in the future."

Please email Lghayden@-state.edu with any questions.