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  4. »Now is your opportunity to provide feedback

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

February 24, 2020

Now is your opportunity to provide feedback

Submitted by Bryan Samuel and Jay Stephens

If you have not already completed the university climate survey, please do so at the earliest opportunity. Your Voice Matters.

According to Developing and Assessing Personal and Social Responsibility's Chapter 4 "Measuring Campus Climate for Personal and Social Responsibility," by Andrew Ryder and Joshua Mitchell, "understanding institutional climate enhances decision-making capacity when planning new programs and improving learning environments on college campuses. Climate assessment can provide a starting point for discussions about how to move toward creating, maintaining, or improving opportunities that promote student development and learning . . .  Climate assessment should serve as 'a foundation for institutional change.'"