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  4. »New Global Food Systems podcast: 'Rethinking Current Approaches to Food Security'

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

September 12, 2019

New Global Food Systems podcast: 'Rethinking Current Approaches to Food Security'

Submitted by Jay Weeks

The latest episode of "Something to Chew On" features a discussion with Jim Stack, professor of plant pathology and director of the Great Plains Diagnostic Network. 

Stack's areas of research emphasis include detection and diagnosis of diseases in natural and agricultural plant systems, threat identification, vulnerability assessments, and risk analyses for natural, accidental, and intentional threats to plant systems, as well as epidemiology and management of field crop diseases in the northern Great Plains. He also is a great thinker about the food system in general. This conversation largely centers around the more "wicked" food-related problems that humans face, and how we may need to rethink our approaches in future. We definitely do not have all of the solutions, but only by talking through ideas are we going to make progress. Maureen Olewnik, the Global Food Systems initiative coordinator, joined Scott, Jim, and Jay for the talk as well. 

Listen to the web browser version of the podcast. It is also available on all major platforms such as iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, etc.