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Understanding Class Associations

PurposeUse this procedure to set up sections of a class that are associated with one another
Menu Path

Use the following menu path(s) to begin this task:

· Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Update Sections of a Class
· Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Adjust Class Associations

KSIS Report    

· Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > KSU Reports > Update Sections of a class


Class Sections must each have a unique name in KSIS.  When naming a class section use the following guidelines:

Enrollment/Graded Sections use alphabetic indicators.

EX: A, B, C.....

Non-Enrollment components start with a number followed  by a suffix.  The most common are:

  • B=Lab
  • L-Lecture
  • Q=Quiz
  • R=Recitation
  • T=Studio

Single digit number classes begin with a 0 (zero).  All components of a class must have separate Class Numbers in KSIS.

Examples: 01B, 02B, 02R, 03Q, 04R, etc...

  • Manhattan Global Campus sections begin with Z. (ZA, ZB, ZC, etc...)
  • Olathe campus sections begin with O.                 (OA, OB, OC, etc...)
  • Olathe Global Campus sections begin with P.       (PA, PB, PC, etc...)
  • Salina campus sections begin with S.                  (SA, SB, SC, etc...)
  • Salina Global Campus sections begin with T.        (TA, TB, TC, etc...)

Class Components can be various activities that are part of a class such as Lab, Lecture, Quiz, Recitation, etc...  Definitions for components are found at Rules for Assigning the Section Values.

When using multiple components for a class, use the following guidelines:

  • One must be selected as the Enrollment/Primary component.  This is the graded component.
  • All other class components are set as Non-Enrollment components.
  • The Class Schedule is set up at the Course level.  If you do otherwise, you will need to Adjust Class Associations.

Class Type indicates which component of the class receives the grade.

  • Enrollment in Class Type indicates the Primary/Graded component.
  • Non-Enroll indicates an additional class component that does NOT receive a grade.

Associated Class is an additional class identifier that is used to link class sections that constitute a single course offering.  Associated Classes must be unique for each Enrollment (graded) component.

When naming Associated Class components, use the following guidelines:

  • Use numeric values starting with 1.  (1 is the default value)
  • Numeric starting values are unique per campus :
    • MAN (Manhattan Campus)  = 1
    • MCE (Manhattan Global)     = 91
    • OLT  (Olathe Campus)       = 71
    • OCE  (Olathe Global)          = 771
    • SAL  (Salina Campus)         = 81
    • SCE  (Salina Global)           = 881
  • the value of 9999 allows enrollment with any other Non-enrollment sections
    • Used to allow a student to choose any section
    • Cannot be applied to the Enrollment (graded) section of a course

Auto Enrollment automatically enrolls a student in all components associated with the Enrollment (graded) component in which they enrolled.

  • Enter the section(s) in which students should be automatically enrolled
  • The sections must have a different component type from the parent (Enrollment) section
  • Enrollment sections can only Auto enroll Non-enrollment sections

Common Types of Class Associations:

Single Component

  • Only one component is required for student enrollment
  • All components are named the same
  • The Associated Class is unique for each enrollment component

The Class Status tab shows all sections below have a unique name, are the same component and are all Enrollment components which receive the grade.

Pic of Single Component Class sections in KSIS

The Class Associations tab indicates a single class.

Single Component Class Associations page

The Class Components tab displays only the Lecture component.

Single Component Class Components page


One-to-One Components

  • More than one component is required for each student enrollment
  • The Enrollment component receives the grade for all components
  • Additional Non-Enrollment component(s) match one-to-one with a specific Enrollment component
  • The Associated Class is unique for each Enrollment component
    • each has a matching Non-Enrollment component
  • The Enrollment component has Auto-Enrollment for the Non-Enrollment component
  • The Enrollment Capacity for the Enrollment component should equal that of the matching Non-Enrollment component

The Class Status tab Demonstrates a Lecture with a Laboratory component.  Each lectures is tied to only one lab.

Pic of One to One Class sections in KSIS

The Class Enrollment Limits tab indicates the Enrollment cap and Enrollment total for each class section.

One to One Component Class Enrollment Limits

The Class Components tab displays both the Lecture and the Laboratory components of the class as well as in which component the Final Exam occurs.

One to One Component Class Components page


One-to-Many Components

  • More than one component is required for each student enrollment (such as LEC and REC)
  • The Enrollment component receives the grade for all components
  • The student selects in which additional Non-Enrollment component to enroll
  • The Associated Class is unique for the Enrollment component
    • The Non-Enrollment component uses the value of 9999 which indicates the student may select any one of the associated components
  • Auto-Enrollment is not used
  • Use the Class Enrollment Limits tab to compare the Enrollment Capacity (Enrl Cap) for the Enrollment component to the total of the Non-Enrollment section capacities

This Class Status tab demonstrates a Recitation with multiple possible Laboratory components in which a student can enroll.  The Auto Enrl for each Laboratory indicates the Recitation will automatically enrolled for any lab selected.

Pic of One to Many Class sections in KSIS

The Class Components tab indicates both Laboratory and Recitation components are included in the class.

One to Many Component Class With Auto Enroll


Many-to-Many Components

  • More than one component is required for each student enrollment (such as LEC, LAB and QZ)
  • There are multiple Enrollment components that receives the grade for all related components (in this example LEC is the Enrollment component)
  • A student may be auto-enrolled in a Non-Enrollment component (optional - in this example 01Q is auto-enrolled)
  • A student selects an additional Non-Enrollment component (in this example the student chooses any LAB with any LEC)
  • The Associated Class has a unique indicator (A, B, C...) while the Non-Enrollment section is indicated by 9999
  • Make sure to compare the total f the Enrollment section capacities on the Class Enrollment Limits tab to the Non-Enrollment section capacities

This Class Component tab below demonstrates a class that includes Lecture, Laboratory and Quiz components.

Pic of Many to Many Class sections in KSIS

The Class Status tab below shows a single Quiz and multiple Laboratory components that are associated with three Lectures.  The Quiz component is auto-enroll and the Laboratory can be selected by the student (9999).

Pcture of Many to Many Component Class With Auto EnrollPicture of Many to Many Class Components