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Graduate Student Council Travel Awards
The Kansas State University Graduate Student Council (GSC) offers travel awards to support graduate student travel to professional events. Participation in these events provides students with opportunities to advance their research and build their professional network. Attending professional events also enhances the graduate student experience as well as the visibility of the university.
Travel awards are intended for students with limited or no additional travel funding, and students are encouraged to use departmental funds, if available, before using GSC travel funds. GSC travel awards are distributed on a competitive basis through a formal application process. Funding for the travel awards is provided by the Graduate School, funds allocated to the GSC from the Student Governing Association, and the Kansas NASA Space Grant.
Eligibility Criteria
- The priority of GSC Travel Awards is to provide travel support to students presenting research or scholarly/creative work at professional conferences and meetings. Students who are not presenting work at a conference may apply for travel funding, but priority will be given to those presenting research or creative/scholarly work.
- Applicants must be enrolled in a graduate degree program at K-State and must be in good academic standing (have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA).
- Graduate students are not eligible to receive a GSC travel award if they graduate before their event begins.
- Research or creative/scholarly work that will be presented must have been completed during the student’s graduate career at K-State. The GSC will not fund travel for work completed during an applicant’s undergraduate career or while pursing graduate studies at another institution.
- Within a fiscal year (July 1-June 30), a graduate student may be awarded a maximum of $500 for domestic travel (within the U.S.). If a graduate student engages in international travel (outside the U.S.), he or she may be awarded a maximum of $750 within a fiscal year. Students may NOT receive $500 for domestic travel and $750 for international travel within a fiscal year, but may receive a maximum of $750 for the fiscal year if they engage in international travel or a combination of international and domestic travel. See Award Criteria and Amounts for details.
Application deadlines
The application deadline is the first of the month, two months prior to the month in which your event officially begins. The deadline is NOT two months prior to the start of your event. For example, if your event is scheduled to begin any day in July, you must apply by May 1.
For an event that occurs across two or more months, you must submit an application for the month in which that event begins. For example, if attending an event that is held August 31-September 2, you must submit an application for the August month of travel (apply by June 1).
If you are not sure of the application deadline for your specific travel event, please contact gsctravel@ksu.edu.
If your event begins any time in: | Travel award application deadline is: | Awards announced no later than: |
2024 | ||
May | March 1, 2024 | March 18, 2024 |
June | April 1, 2024 | April 15, 2024 |
July | May 1, 2024 | May 16, 2024 |
August | June 1, 2024 | June 17, 2024 |
September | July 1, 2024 | July 17, 2024 |
October | August 1, 2024 | August 16, 2024 |
November | September 1, 2024 | September 16, 2024 |
December | October 1, 2024 | October 16, 2024 |
2025 | ||
January | November 1, 2024 | November 18, 2024 |
February | December 1, 2024 | December 16, 2024 |
March | January 1, 2025 | January 17, 2025 |
April | February 1, 2025 | February 17, 2025 |
Content from region 2
Application and award process
Step 1 - Apply for GSC Travel Award
Complete the online application (accessible below) by the respective deadline for the start date of the event you plan to attend.
You may review a sample application (pdf) to see what information is required in the application.
Information/documentation needed for application:
- Proof of presentation/activity (if available): If you plan to give a presentation or actively participate in the event in some other way, you must provide documentation that verifies your activity. Please upload the documentation in the application if you have it. If you do not have this documentation yet, you still must apply by the deadline and indicate in the application that you plan to give a presentation. If selected for funding, you will be required to submit this documentation prior to travel.
Major professor endorsement form: The Major Professor Endorsement Form must be completed with your major professor's signature and uploaded in the online application. The form may be completed electronically with an electronic signature. The form also may be printed, signed, and scanned as a PDF to be uploaded in the application form. A form with the major professor's name typed in the signature line will NOT be accepted. Endorsement by your department head or graduate program director is also acceptable if unable to obtain a signature by your major professor.
Apply for a GSC travel award https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_24duKTIpjbo1CdM Y
Applications to fund travel to events that have a start date prior to August 1, 2024 are no longer being accepted.
Step 2 - Monthly application review
- Applications are reviewed and award allocations are made on a monthly basis after each application deadline. Applicants are ranked by points awarded per criteria. Awards are allocated beginning with the highest ranked applications, and priority is given to applicants who are presenting research, scholarly, or creative work.
- If the number of eligible applicants in a given month exceeds the amount of funding available, the following criteria are used to allocate awards in the following order:
- Authorship – applicants giving presentations will be funded in the following manner based on their authorship status: first author, second author, third author or below
- Date of application – as a final resort, date of application will be used to allocate awards, with preference given to those with the earliest application submission dates
Step 3 - Notification of award recipients
- No more than 10 business days after the application submission deadline, travel award applicants are notified via email of whether or not they have been selected to receive a travel award. A list of award recipients is posted online.
Step 4 - Travel occurs
Step 5 -Submit reimbursement materials
- Submit reimbursement materials no later than 10 business days after the last day of travel.
- If you plan to engage in other travel before or after attending your event, please notify the GSC (gsctravel@ksu.edu) as soon as possible.
Step 6 - Receive reimbursement funds
- Allow 2-6 weeks after submitting reimbursement materials to receive your reimbursement.
- If enrolled in direct deposit, reimbursement will be disbursed directly to your designated account. If you are not enrolled in direct deposit, reimbursement will be sent in the form of a check to your address provided on the W-9 form.
- If the travel award recipient is not able to pay for his or her travel upfront, many departments are willing to cover the award recipient's travel expenses up to the amount of awarded funds prior to the travel and the department will be reimbursed directly by the GSC after the travel. Prior to travel, please contact your department office for more information about this arrangement.
If you are allocated a GSC travel award, the funds will be disbursed to you after your event. However, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the reimbursement process as soon as you are awarded a travel grant so that you can make sure to have all the necessary documentation ready after your event.
Award criteria and amounts
Event Type, 2-16 points
- International Conference/Meeting
- Held outside the United States = 16 points
- Held inside the United States = 8 points
- National Conference/Meeting = 8 points
- Regional Conference/Meeting = 3 points
- Other = 2 points
- Travel for study abroad, special classes, research purposes, career fairs, local conference (within a 60 mile radius of Manhattan, KS)
Event Involvement, 5-10 points
Presenting research, scholary, or creative work = 10 points
Giving a talk/oral presentation, presentating a poster, giving a recital presenting a work of art or design
Serving as a commentator, discussant, panelist, or workshop coordinator = 7 points
Participating on a case study team = 6 points
Author of a presentation but not giving the presentation = 5 points
Non-presenter = 5 points
Attending a conference but not presenting or actively participating in ways listed above, studying abroad, taking special classes, conducting research, or attending a workshop
Authorship, 2-8 points
- 1st/Primary author = 8 points
- 2nd author = 6 points
- 3rd author or below = 5 points
- Commentator, discussant, panelist, or workshop coordinator = 4 points
- Other = 2 points
- Attending a conference but not presenting or actively participating in ways listed above, studying abroad, taking special classes, conducting research, or attending a workshop
GSC Involvement, 1/2 - 1 point
GSC involvement is not a requiremnet for receiving a travel award, but you will earn more points for engaging in GSC leadership or activities, which makes you eligible for a higher award amount. Report all involvement completed within the 12 months prior to your relevant travel award application deadline. For example, if you are applying for July travel award, the application deadline is May 1. Please report your engagement between May 1 of the current year to May 1 of the previous year. Involvement will be verified with GSC and Graduate School records.
- GSC Leadership/Service = 1 point
- GSC officer
- GSC committee chair or member
- Graduate student senator
- GSC representative on a university committee
- Graduate School Amabassador
- Giving a presentation at the following events GSC research forum or Three Minute Thesis = 1 point
- Research and the State (fall)
- K-State Graduate Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum (spirng)
- Three Minute Thesis Competition
- Volunteering at GSC/Graduate School events = 1/2 point
- Research and the state
- K-State Graduate Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum
- Three Minute Thesis Competition
- GSC fundraiser
- Attending GSC/Graduate School events = 1/2 point
- Research and the state
- K-State Graduate Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum
- Three Minute Thesis Competition
- Professional Development seminar
- GSC meeting
Note: Attendance points will not be granted for attending an event at which you are presenting and/or volunteering
Short response section, 1 point
Completing this section is optional. You will earn 1 point for each item if you provide a sufficient and relevant response.
- Impact of Event on Professional Development = 1 point
- In 50 words or less, tell us why it is important for you to attend this event in terms of how your attendance at this event will promote your professional development. That is, how will your participation in this event improve your academic standing, job prosepects, etc.
- Description of Your Work = 1 point
- In 50 words or less, describe the research/work you will be presenting using lanugage that can be understood by people who are not experts in your discipline.
- If you are not presenting work at the event you are attending, describe the focus of the research, scholarship, or creative work that you do as part if your graduate program of study.
Award Amounts
Award amounts are determined by points earned in the application based on criteria outlined above .
Points |
Amount |
39 - 41 |
$750 |
36.5 - 38.5 |
$675 |
33.5 - 36 |
$600 |
31 - 33 |
$500 |
28.5 - 30.5 |
$450 |
26 - 28 |
$400 |
23.5 - 25.5 |
$350 |
21 - 23 |
$300 |
15.5 - 20.5 |
$250 |
15 or fewer points |
$200 |
Additional funding sources
Submission of an application for a GSC travel award does not guarantee funds will be awarded. The GSC travel awards are competitive. The GSC has a limited amount of funds for travel awards and often receives more applications than can be funded. Therefore, students are encouraged to seek funding from other sources and should explore these options well in advance of their travel event.
College travel awards
Many colleges have travel award programs to support professional travel for graduate students. Follow the links below for your respective college to learn about their travel award program. If your college is not listed, contact your college dean's office to ask whether they offer financial travel support for graduate students.
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department/program funding
Your home department or graduate program also might offer travel support for you to attend conferences or for other academic or professional travel. Consult with your major professor, department head, or graduate program director to find out whether your department or program has funds available to support your travel. You should also ask your major professor whether he or she has funds from a research grant or other sources to support your travel.
Student Governing Association (SGA) travel funding
The Student Governing Association (SGA) offers travel grants, but the application must be submitted by a student organization, not an individual student. If you are involved with a student organization that is registered with the Center for Student Involvement, consult with the officers of that organization about applying for funding to support your professional travel. The Student Allocations Funding Request form is available in OrgCentral. You may be prompted to login to OrgCentral with your K-State eid and password to access this form.
Professional associations
Many professional associations offer travel awards to students attending their meetings/conferences. Research the website of the conference you plan to attend or contact conference organizers to ask whether the association offers travel funding for students. Additionally, explore grants and funding opportunities throughout the year. Many professional, private, and government organizations offer funding to support graduate student research/scholarship, including research-related travel.