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  4. »Early Career Panel Oct. 6: Why Should I Attend Grad School?

K-State Today Student Edition

October 4, 2022

Early Career Panel Oct. 6: Why Should I Attend Grad School?

Submitted by Adriana M. Ortiz Aquino

The K-State Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, or K-SACNAS, a registered departmental student organization, is hosting an Early Career Panel, where four graduate students will talk about graduate school.

The panel will be 4-4:45 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, in Room 205 of the Multicultural Student Center. A mixer will follow from 4:45-6 p.m. Students will have the opportunity to talk to graduate students one on one.

If you've ever considered going to graduate school, or you're not sure what graduate school is about, this panel is the perfect introduction for you. We'll discuss what is grad school, the benefits of obtaining an advanced degree, application process, what you do during this time and other benefits.  

The event is co-hosted by OURCI, KS-LSAMP, McNair Scholars Program and NOBCCHe.

For more information, visit the OrgCentral page or email ksacnas@k-state.edu