October 6, 2020
Civics webinar addresses the power of monuments and flags

The K-State College of Education's Center for Social Studies Education is co-sponsoring a free seven-week "Power to the People" webinar series through Oct. 29 for educators and concerned citizens that addresses some of the most challenging issues in American society.
Please join us for this week's webinar "The Power of Symbols: Monuments and Flags" at 6:30 p.m. CDT Thursday, Oct. 8.
Brandon Hasbrouck, assistant professor of law at the Washington and Lee University School of Law, will explain why symbols, such as monuments and flags, elicit powerful emotions in many Americans. Registration is required.
In upcoming sessions, subject matter experts will address free speech and criminal justice. The final webinar will address the Electoral College, gerrymandering and suppression.
The series is designed for civics, government and U.S. history teachers who want to better understand these issues; however, the public is invited to attend.