August 31, 2017
On the Spot Improv auditions today

Ever thought about following in the footsteps of Will Ferrell or Amy Poehler? If yes, a great first step would be to audition for On the Spot Improv at 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31, in Room 227 of the K-State Student Union. Feel like you'd rather follow in the footsteps of Rosalind Franklin or Thurgood Marshall? That's fine too! On the Spot has members of all majors, ranging from architecture to biology. Former improv experience is not required.
If you make it on to the troupe, you will perform shows in Forum Hall every week, travel to other universities and meet other fantastic improvisers, gain the opportunity for leadership experience, learn improv skills from troupe members who have qualified for nationals for the past four years, and talk your way out of any situation.
The audition will consist of auditioners playing short form improv games with other auditioners. It will be a relaxed, fun atmosphere.
We will see you in 227 K-State Student Union on Thursday, Aug. 31! On the Spot Improv is an official registered student organization.