May 10, 2017
Recycling available for students moving out

During this busy time as many of you move out of residence halls for the summer, don't forget about a few important recycling tips.
Four large boxes are available in every lobby of the residence halls for clothes, bedding material, nonperishable food items and books. In addition, two large bins are available near every residence hall, one for all recycle material, which includes paper products, plastics, aluminum products and cardboard material. The other is for nonrecyclable material and trash. Furthermore, place serviceable and unwanted furniture items in the areas marked with orange fencing. Do not place furniture items in the residence halls' lobby.
Please start early by recycling and disposing of unwanted material and we all will have an easy move out plan for 2017.
I appreciate all the hard work throughout the year and let's finish it the correct way, the K-State way.
Bill Spiegel
Project manager