February 17, 2014
The Writing Center is taking appointments online

Don't forget to remind your students to make an appointment online with the Writing Center to talk with a tutor about writing projects this semester.
The Writing Center’s online scheduling system allows students to request three different types of services with us:
- Face-to-face appointments
- Online chat and video conferences
- eTutoring appointments, emailed feedback from a tutor in response to a piece of writing — the tutor’s feedback consists of holistic questions and suggestions for revision provided within two business days.
Visit our website to make an appointment online.
The Writing Center in the English department welcomes active discussions with student writers from all disciplines and experience levels across the campus community. In one-to-one consultations, undergraduate and graduate students can receive feedback from trained peer tutors, who provide revision suggestions and questions for projects in any stage of the writing process. The Writing Center is committed to facilitating student learning.
Students can also walk in during our regular hours:
- 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday in 122D English/Counseling Services Building
- 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday in 122D English/Counseling Services Building
- 6-9 p.m. Sunday on the main floor of Hale Library
For more information about the Writing Center, email us at writing@k-state.edu or visit our website.
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