September 18, 2013
International Buddies: Connecting the world

It isn't too late to sign up for a buddy. Currently we have more than 170 buddy pairs. You don't want to miss out on this experience. Sign up today.
International Buddies is a student organization at K-State that pairs local K-State students, staff and community members with international students, scholars and family members. Once paired, buddies meet regularly to learn about each others' cultures, customs and explore Manhattan and K-State.
The purpose of International Buddies is threefold:
- Provide interaction between local students, faculty and staff, spouses, community members and the international community through conversation and creative activities;
- Ease the transition for incoming international students, their families and visiting scholars to an American University and American culture; and
- Provide participants the opportunity to build intercultural communication skills, global competencies, language skills and to add a cross-cultural component to their K-State experience.
The time commitment can be what you and your buddy have time for. We ask that you meet with your buddy for at least one hour a week though.
It is part of the K-State 2025 plan that 100 percent of K-State undergraduates have a meaningful international experience. International Buddies strives to provide fun events that facilitate this type of experience for all ages.
To learn more about International Buddies and find a list of our events, please visit our website.