May 1, 2024
Veterinary college to livestream White Coat Ceremony May 3

The 24th annual White Coat Ceremony for the College of Veterinary Medicine's class of 2025 is at 2 p.m. CDT Friday, May 3, in the Manhattan Conference Center's Grand Ballroom.
The White Coat Ceremony is an annual event that recognizes Kansas State University veterinary students as they begin the fourth and senior year of their veterinary education, where they will complete 12 months of clinical rotations. Students will receive a white coat as they are welcomed to the Veterinary Health Center by members of clinical faculty from the College of Veterinary Medicine. The white coat is not only functional in a clinical setting but is also recognized as a symbolic, nonverbal communication used to express and reaffirm a fundamental belief that veterinarians are competent and compassionate healers.
The link for the White Coat Ceremony is This page will have the livestream on it the day of the event.