April 30, 2024
CNAP to host presentation about securing extramural funding

K-State's NIH-funded Phase II COBRE Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity, or CNAP, invites you to attend a brown bag presentation about securing extramural grant funding.
The presentation, "Demystifying Government Funding: How an NIH Program Director Writes Grants," will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, in Room 498 of Bluemont Hall, or via Zoom, Meeting ID: 980 1196 9321. In-person attendance is limited to the first 35 registrants. Please RSVP online.
CNAP's presenter, Kip Ludwig, is an associate professor of biomedical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. Ludwig currently serves as a principal investigator for five NIH R01 awards.
Before Wisconsin, Ludwig served as the program director for neural engineering at the National Institutes of Health. He co-led the Translational Devices Program at NINDS, led the NIH BRAIN Initiative programs to catalyze implantable academic and clinical devices to stimulate and/or record from the central nervous system, and led a trans-NIH planning team in developing the approximately 250-million-dollar SPARC Program to stimulate advances in neuromodulation therapies for organ systems.
Ludwig's extramural grant funding is implemented primarily to operate his laboratory, which focuses on developing next-generation neuromodulation therapies. These therapies use minimally invasive strategies to hack the nervous system to treat circuit dysfunction and deliver biomolecules to target areas with unprecedented precision.
This presentation is part of CNAP's weekly brown bag series and effort to promote a rich research climate. Attendees are invited to bring a sack lunch.