February 3, 2021
Kathy Brockway to present 'Enthusiasm in teaching: The ultimate renewable'
Submitted by Teaching and Learning Center

Kathy J. Brockway, professor in the School of Integrated Studies at Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus, will present "Enthusiasm in teaching: The ultimate renewable" from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 3, via Zoom.
Define a teacher in one word? Enthusiasm!
Enthusiasm is a defining characteristic of a teacher who possesses the ability to move students and inspire peers. It's a passion created from deeply connecting with one's work. It's also a characteristic that requires attention, cultivation and protection to sustain. The best part? Enthusiasm is contagious, so when we share it with others, it comes back to us, sometimes when we need it the most.
This interactive session will explore practical ways to nourish our energy in the classroom, cultivate positivity in our students and sustain our enthusiasm to teach, even in the toughest times, so we can continue to make a difference in the world.
View the promotion video.