January 28, 2013
New year, same great resource: The office of student life
Submitted by Office of Student Life

A new year can bring new concerns about students, and the office of student life is here to be a resource for all faculty and staff. If you are concerned about the health, behavior, or welfare of a K-State student, our office is here to help.
Student life can consult with you about problematic student situations and provide information about campus resources. We encourage you to refer students that may be experiencing personal or academic challenges. The office of student life can help support students by problem solving, advocating on their behalf and by connecting them to resources.
In the case of a serious student situation, student life can convene the Critical Incident Response Team, or CIRT, to investigate and respond as needed. In the case of a threat or seriously disruptive student behaviors, contact the K-State Police at 911 or 785-532-6412.
The office of student life is at 102 Holton Hall and you may contact us at 785-532-6432 — the number is also answered after office hours — or email our office at stulife@k-state.edu. For convenience, you may also use the student of concern reporting form at http://www.k-state.edu/studentlife/crisisassistance/studentconcern.html to report a student who is experiencing problems.