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  4. »Argentine tango workshops with Tango Matiz

K-State Today

November 12, 2019

Argentine tango workshops with Tango Matiz

Submitted by Carol Baldwin

Sponsored by the UFM Argentine tango class, Kirill Miniaev and Sophia Miniaeva from Kansas City's Tango Matiz Studio will lead three afternoon workshops on Dec. 14 in 304 Ahearn. After the workshops end at 5:30 p.m., activities will resume with a milonga, or dance party, at 8 p.m. at fiVe: New American Restaurant.

The workshops are coordinated by the Flint Hills Argentine Tango Group and will cover the delights of social Argentine tango dancing. No prior experience or partner is required. Beginners are welcome. Attend any or all workshops and milonga.

UFM Community Learning Center is a community educational program through Global Campus and K-State's Center for Engagement and Community Development. For more information about the workshops, the class or the Flint Hills Argentine Tango Group, email yogaconnection@gmail.com

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