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  4. »Get ready for a 'Hale of a Time!'

K-State Today

October 16, 2017

Get ready for a 'Hale of a Time!'

Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt


On Nov. 3, the Friends of the K-State Libraries present four floors of food, drinks and music: It will be a "Hale of a Time!"

The entire K-State community is invited to this huge celebration of the Libraries' past, present and future.

The event starts at 6:30 p.m. Guests will move from floor to floor, and each location will feature unique food and drinks:

• Past: On the fifth floor, travel to the jazz era with piano music and vintage cocktails.
• Present: Visit the Dow Center for Multicultural and Community Studies to enjoy contemporary music and creative eats.
• Future: On the first floor, access that space's future through virtual reality goggles — and experience amazing food and drinks, too!

End the night in the historic heart of K-State Libraries, the third floor Great Room, with music by Wayne Goins and Susan Hancock.

We'll be honoring two anniversaries — Farrell Library's 90th and Hale Library's 20th — and the proceeds will help K-State Libraries achieve its vision for the Hale Library of tomorrow.

Dress is business casual. Tickets are $50 and can be purchased online now. Questions? Contact Darchelle Martin at 785-532-7442 or martin05@k-state.edu.

Hale of a Time! also celebrates Dave and Ellie Everitt, who have generously given the lead gift toward Hale Library's first-floor renovation.

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From the president
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News and research
Campus construction and maintenance