October 17, 2017
Kat Chat: 'But I love you! Keeping your relationship healthy and happy'

Relationships are an important part of everyone's lives. It is important to understand what is healthy. Join Kat Chats for "But I love you! Keeping your relationship healthy and happy" from 4-4:45 p.m. Oct. 17 in 13 Leasure Hall to gain important insight into your relationships.
This workshop will present facts, statistics, and myths and misconceptions about intimate partner, dating and domestic violence. Participants will learn how to define boundaries within a relationship as well as learn tips on how to communicate effectively with a partner, and how to be aware of red flags of relationship violence. This interactive session will promote an honest discussion about what a healthy relationship might look like through a variety of activities.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android.
IPhone one-tap, U.S. toll: +16699006833,,453223357# or +14086380968,,453223357# or telephone: Dial: +1 669 900 6833, U.S. toll, or +1 408 638 0968, U.S. toll. Meeting ID: 453 223 357
International numbers available.
SIP: 453223357@zoomcrc.com or Skype for Business (Lync).