November 28, 2016
Kinesiology students to present Service Learning Project Forum series

Students in KIN 610: Health promotion program planning and evaluation have partnered with local community organizations to improve their capacity to address real local health problems.
The Service Learning Project Forum series will focus on participating in service learning, making connections with students, faculty and community organizations; and student engagement in the community.
Students will make 12-minute presentations on their projects, followed by a few brief words from a representative from their partner organization. A Q-and-A discussion with the public will follow.
• "House cats: Building capacity to increase awareness of off-campus housing services and improve health of students living off campus at K-State" will be presented from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29, 227 K-State Student Union. Community partner: Office of Off-Campus Housing Support — Jack McHugh.
• "Cat food: Increasing awareness and access to healthy foods among K-State students" and "Improving awareness of mental health issues and services among K-State Students using social media" will be presented from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1, in 227 K-State Student Union. Community partner: Lafene Health Center — Julie Gibbs.
• "Addressing the Flu in Riley County: Evaluation and recommendations for the OKT-FLU-BER Fest Clinic," "Reaching Riley: Increasing capacity to promote awareness of services among Riley County community members through print materials" and Reaching Riley: Improving capacity to promote Riley County Health Department services through social media — A workshop" will be presented from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 6, in 206 K-State Student Union. Community partner: Riley County Health Department — Jessica Fiscus.
The purpose of these presentations is to share and celebrate this ongoing work and the partnership with our community, give students an opportunity to hone their presentation and communication skills and get feedback on their project, and promote the use of service learning at K-State and engage students in real-world problems and hands-on learning.