November 29, 2016
K-State Center for Child Development Giving Tree project

The K-State Center for Child Development offers early learning and quality care for children 6 weeks of age through 6 years. More than 200 children currently attend, and classrooms are in need of educational supplies.
The Giving Tree project, sponsored by the K-State Center for Child Development PTO, features ornaments with teacher gift wishes. Items vary in price, making it possible for anyone to contribute a gift. Gifts will benefit children in all classrooms. Trees can be found in Hale Library, Justin Hall, Rathbone Hall, Chester E. Peters Recreation Complex, Seaton Hall and Trotter Hall.
Simply visit a tree, select an ornament and return the ornament and gift to any location listed on the ornament. Trees and ornaments will be available through Dec. 16. Thanks, in advance, for providing resources to help our youngest K-State students learn.