November 9, 2016
Reminder: 'Religious discourse in The Remnant Trust' lecture tonight

From 6:30-7:30 p.m. Nov. 9 in Hale Library's Hemisphere Room, three members of the community will present on religious texts found in the "Wisdom of the Ages" exhibit on the second floor of Hale Library. Following the lecture, guests can visit the exhibit and handle many of the items out of their cases.
Jonalu Johnstone, minister to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Manhattan, will discuss the Torah and how the physical scrolls and the spiritual inspiration shaped Jewish identity through the diaspora. She also will examine how the covenant with Abraham sprouted at least three separate, but related, religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. A handwritten Torah fragment scroll from Egypt is on display from the 16th century in the exhibit containing the Covenant with Abraham from Genesis.
The Rev. Kati Collins, designated associate pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Manhattan, will discuss the historical significance of Hildegard von Bingen's life and analyze several images of the art that inspired the text of "Scivias." A 1513 volume of six collected works is on display in the exhibit which includes the first appearance in print of Hildegard's "Scivias."
Syed Haroon Bin Farrukh, graduate student in agricultural economics at K-State, will provide a brief introduction to the Quran. An English translation of the Quran published in 1649 is located in the exhibit. Translated by Alexander Ross, it remained the only English version for 85 years.
The exhibit is on loan from the Remnant Trust, a public educational foundation. The Remnant Trust shares its growing collection on the topics of individual liberty and human dignity through traveling exhibits. "Wisdom of the Ages" will be available on the second floor of Hale Library through Dec. 16. To see a full list of items in the exhibit visit
K-State librarians are available 11 a.m. to noon and 2-3 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, to assist visitors who would like the unique opportunity to handle and read the books. Additionally, teachers and community groups who would like to bring a class to "Wisdom of the Ages" are welcome to make an appointment with a librarian by emailing
Librarians also will be available to assist the public from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, for a special community day.
"Wisdom of the Ages" is made possible by the K-State Office of the President.