November 7, 2016
Marketing whiz Jeffrey Yapp gives third lecture in Entrepreneurship Lecture Series today

Jeffrey Yapp, corporate entrepreneur and strategic marketing extraordinaire, will present the third and final lecture of the fall 2016 Entrepreneurship Lecture Series at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, in 109 Justin Hall.
Yapp began his career as manager of the beverage division at General Foods and soon took on pivotal roles such as a strategic partner to Microsoft Corp., president and chief operating officer of Hollywood Entertainment, and vice president of program enterprises at Viacom. He earned an undergraduate degree in business administration from University of Michigan and a master's degree in management from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Yapp's youngest child currently is a freshman at K-State.
The Entrepreneurship Lecture Series began in 2009 and is sponsored by the hospitality management department in the College of Human Ecology and the Center for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship in the College of Business Administration. The goal of the lecture series is to bring respected, national-level businesswomen and men with K-State connections to campus to discuss their career trajectories and the essential components that made them successful entrepreneurs.
For more information, please contact Jessica Fox at