April 8, 2016
Letter from the V.P. for Student Life and Dean of Students Pat Bosco

Dear faculty, staff and students,
I am pleased to share the recommendations of the Student Success Work Group charged to assist me in planning for the late summer retirements of longtime, valued student life administrators, Drs. Mike and Judy Lynch. A collaborative effort among the academic community, provost representatives and student life professionals have provided recommendations that will not require new money, will use existing course lines and continue to provide the same level of service.
The group met Feb. 25 under the direction of Dr. Stephanie Bannister, and subgroup chairs Dr. Greg Eiselein and Heather Reed. Additional members of the group include academic representatives, student life staff, student leaders, a faculty senate representative and a USS senate representative. The workgroup addressed the following:
• Begin this fall to replace University Experience type courses where appropriate with CAT Communities for all Student Life Programs. Plan the merger of the Academic Assistance Center, Plan for Success, Pilots and any sophomore initiatives into one program.
• Bring all tutoring services currently offered by the division into Holtz Hall with new delivery methods, training, marketing, and increased cooperation and communication among the other tutoring services on campus.
• Begin the discussion of how the merger of the aforementioned student life programs and the consolidation of tutoring within the division could lead to the development of a framework for a comprehensive recruitment to graduation initiative.
Over the past six weeks, the workgroup collaborated, researched, toured, interviewed and consulted on a multitude of best practices that could influence the scope of student success programs at K-State. In between the large workgroup meetings, the subgroups were meeting, researching and developing considerations. We are welcoming the university community to review the recommendations and provide feedback.
It is with excitement and anticipation that we look to the future of what student success in the first year and beyond might become. Please take advantage of the opportunity to review the recommendations and offer feedback before April 20.
Thank you to all K-State faculty, staff and student life professionals for putting students first.
Pat Bosco
Vice president for student life and dean of students