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  4. »Grandparents University

K-State Today

January 26, 2016

Grandparents University

Submitted by Sarah Diamond

Kansas State University's College of Education is once again offering Grandparent's University, July 31-Aug. 2.

What is Grandparents University? Think of it as a summer camp where grandparents and their grandchildren  — ages 8-12 — can engage in a variety of learning experiences on the K-State campus in Manhattan.

Camp will begin mid-afternoon Sunday, July 31, and conclude with brunch Tuesday, Aug. 2. Participants will stay in residence hall suites and eat in the Derby Food Complex just like college students. Our semistructured schedule involves activities from the colleges of Engineering; Agriculture; Education; Architecture, Planning & Design; and Veterinary Medicine. K-State Athletics and the Beach Art Museum also will offer activities. Additional opportunities include swimming and bowling, and of course, a luscious scoop of Call Hall ice cream!

Please see the following website for details and registration information, http://coe.k-state.edu/events/gpu/. Registration begins Feb. 1.

Make plans now to reunite with campus, do the Wabash and spell K-S-U! Share your K-State pride while making memories with a special child in your life.

If you have questions, please call the registration office at 785-532-5569.

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From the administration
Legislative update
News and research
Kudos, publications and presentations