January 11, 2016
Schober hired as learning assistant coordinator for K-State First

The Office of Undergraduate Studies has hired Carmen Schober as the learning assistant coordinator for K-State First.
Schober has served as a graduate teaching assistant and full-time instructor in the English department at Kansas State University for the past three years. She has worked closely with students as a teacher, editor and advisor. Her primary role will be utilizing her teaching and instructional methods to train and serve learning assistants within the Connecting Across Topics, or CAT, Community program. Schober will also focus on student recruitment as well as collaborations with faculty and staff across campus to help the K-State First program grow and thrive while continuing to pursue the goal of student success across campus.
Schober earned her bachelor's and master's degrees in English from Kansas State University with a focus on creative writing. She also was the editor-in-chief of the Touchstone literary arts magazine.
Schober joins the current K-State First team, including Gregory Eiselein, director; Mariya Vaughan, assistant coordinator; and Mandi McKinley, staff assistant.
The office is in 008 Leasure Hall. For more information about K-State First, visit www.k-state.edu/first.