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  4. »How to Deal with a Difficult Person trainings offered in June

K-State Today

June 10, 2015

How to Deal with a Difficult Person trainings offered in June

Submitted by Learning and Development, Human Capital Services

At one time or another, we have all dealt with a difficult person. Whether they are hard to communicate with, acting defensive or just handling a situation inappropriately, interactions with difficult people can affect our confidence, mood and focus. Learning to recognize and cope with common difficult behaviors in others and ourselves can help make difficult encounters much more manageable.

Learning and Development has partnered with ComPsych, K-State's employee assistance provider, to offer the training session, How to Deal with a Difficult Person, WTD160, from 10-11:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 17, in the Edwards Hall commons area.

This session will assist you with managing difficult situations more effectively by identifying some difficult behaviors you commonly deal with during your day and what makes them difficult for you.

There is no charge to participants, but registration is necessary to ensure adequate seating and materials. Participants my register through HRIS Self_Enrollment or by sending an email to learning-develop-hr@ksu.edu.

This session also will be offered via webinar from 2-3 p.m. Wednesday, June 24. The webinar will be recorded so if employees happen to miss it, they can view it when it works best for them. To register for the webinar or to receive a link for the recorded training at a later time, please register for the How to Deal with a Difficult Person webinar

Employees who attend the training session or view the live webinar are eligible for one HealthQuest credit.  HealthQuest is the wellness program for state of Kansas employees and members of the State Employee Health Plan. The Learning and Development Office will work with ComPsych to ensure appropriate credit is given to employees; there is no need for employees to self-report the training attendance.

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