January 11, 2012
Highlights from the Jan. 4 Classified Senate Meeting
Here are the highlights from the Jan. 4 Classified Senate meeting. A draft of the meeting minutes is available on the website.
Assistant Vice President for Administration Report:
Jennifer Gehrt reported on the Classified Award of Excellence nominations which are due by Jan. 25.
Standing Committees:
- Legislative Affairs: Dale Billam reported on how the election will be handled for Classified Senate. He also discussed the Day on the Hill which will be held on Jan. 24.
- Recognition Ceremony Committee: Annette Hernandez reported that the committee will meet right after this meeting to discuss award plaques and procedures.
Campus Committee Reports:
- Faculty Senate Fringe Benefits Committee: Pam Warren reported on the work being done by this committee
Old Business:
Lois Schreiner reported that the interviews for the dean of the College of Agriculture will be held in January.
New Business:
- The vacation leave policy was discussed.
- AFLAC insurance through the K-State Federal Credit Union was discussed.