December 16, 2014
Register now for the 2015 Spring Teaching Workshop: Motivating the 21st Century Learner
The Teaching and Learning Center and the Faculty Exchange for Teaching Excellence invite you to register for the 2015 Spring Teaching Workshop, Motivating the 21st Century Learner from 1-5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 30, 2015, and from 8:30-11:45 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015, at the K-State Alumni Center.
The keynote speaker on Friday is Raymond Wlodkowski, a psychologist and national consultant in adult and professional learning. Wlodkowski is a distinguished professor at Edgewood College. His presentation is "Learning and Motivation for the 21st Century Learner." The keynote will be followed by four innovative K-State faculty members who will share winning teaching strategies.
The Saturday morning keynote speaker is Margery Ginsberg who will present "Understanding Motivation to Develop Culturally Responsive Teaching."
Ginsberg and Wloskowski’s most recent books are, Teaching Intensive and Accelerated Courses: Instruction that Motivates Learning and Diversity & Motivation: Culturally Responsive Teaching in College.
The workshop registration fee is $20, which includes snacks and beverages on Friday afternoon and a hearty breakfast Saturday morning. Register online or print off a copy and mail.