October 29, 2014
Register for the Institute for Student Learning Assessment
Submitted by Frederick Burrack
Registration is open through Nov. 5 to attend the Institute for Student Learning Assessment on Friday, Nov. 14. The keynote at 11:30 a.m. is focused on technology-based assessment tools for online or blended classrooms. This will be followed by a hands-on workshop at 1:45 p.m. using some of the technology tools. There are three sets of break-out sessions in the areas of practical classroom assessment techniques, assessment to promote first-year student retention, online assessment strategies and facilitating assessment of program outcomes.
Due to the Diversity Summit on the same date and other class conflicts, we encourage you to register for both events and attend the segments of your interest. There is no cost for K-State faculty and staff other than an optional box lunch. Throughout the day there will be booths by ExamSoft, Turning Technologies, the Teaching and Learning Center, Hale Library, K-State First, the Office of Assessment, and CANVAS with representatives for drop-in help.