About the President's Distinguished Lecture Series

The President's Distinguished Lecture Series brings noteable scholars to the Kansas State University campus to share their knowledge, insights and research with the university community. The university has a long history of inviting lecturers who have achieved special recognition and prominence within their field.

Two distinguished lecturers will be selected each academic year — one in the fall semester and one in the spring. Each distinguished lecturer will give two lectures open to the public during their visit to Kansas State University:

  • A high-level lecture to be shared with a broad audience of K-State faculty, staff, students and community members.
  • A more specialized, discipline-focused lecture addressed toward stakeholders within the lecturer's field(s) of expertise.

Students, faculty and staff will also have opportunities to meet with distinguished lecturers during their visit.

The President's Distinguished Lecturers Committee accepts nominations for the following academic year through November 1 of each year. Learn about the process and nomination form by clicking below!