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Office of Institutional Equity

Office of Institutional Equity
828 Mid-Campus Drive
Kedzie Hall, Suite 220A
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

TTY or TRS: 711

Information for Complainants

Complainant(s): Refers to any individual who may have been the subject of any prohibited conduct by an individual or organization covered under PPM 3010, regardless of whether the Complainant makes a report or seeks action under the Policy. Witness(es) refers to any person with direct or indirect knowledge of the allegation(s) of prohibited conduct made in a complaint or report.

How Kansas State University responds to discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment.

Policy and Procedures Manual (PPM) Chapter 3010, Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment, and Procedure for Reviewing Complaints

PPM 3010 is Kansas State University's policy prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment. The university encourages all members of the community to report conduct prohibited by PPM 3010. Consistent with PPM 3010, the university always evaluates and processes all reports of prohibited conduct concerning a member of the K-State community to determine whether a full investigation is necessary. Regardless of whether a reported victim chooses to participate in the PPM 3010 process, K-State will suggest and offer applicable support and assistance services. The university will make every effort to protect the privacy of those involved in the process and will only disclose information to those with a legitimate administrative or legal need to know.

The university will attempt to resolve a complaint filed under PPM 3010 within 120 days of receipt, although some cases may take longer depending on the circumstances. Complainants should report any incidents of suspected retaliation of the Office of Institutional Equity.

The university's PPM 3010 response is an internal university process that is separate from the criminal justice process. Any questions about the process can be directed to the Office of Institutional Equity at 785-532-6220 | TRS 711, equity@ksu.edu, or 103 Edwards Hall, 1810 Kerr Drive, Manhattan, Kansas.

Complaint Options
  • Complainants will not be forced to participate in an investigation.
  • If there is an investigation, the complainant will be informed of the outcome of the investigation and have the right to appeal the outcome on specified grounds.
  • Reasonable assistance or reasonable changes in circumstances, such as no-contact orders, access to counseling services, academic accommodations, change in on-campus housing, class assignments or office location, change in work schedule, job assignments or supervisor(s), and/or public safety escort services, and/or visa immigration assistance may be given. The Office of Institutional Equity will work with the appropriate campus office(s) to provide reasonable changes.
  • An advisor is an individual provided by the University for support during the Title IX process. Alternatively, you are also welcome to choose an advisor of your choice which can be an attorney, hired at one's own expense. This selected person may provide assistance during the PPM 3010 process when the report pertains to sexual violence or another VAWA crime. The Advisor role is different from that of a Support person. 
Steps for reported victims of sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, or stalking in addition to a PPM 3010 report

Services are available to reported victims through Kansas State University and in the community for counseling, physical and mental health.

Advised steps include:

  • Seeking medical attention, both to promote well-being and to preserve evidence.
  • Notifying law enforcement that a crime has been committed. Kansas State University's Center for Advocacy, Response and Education (CARE) can assist with contacting campus police or the local police department.

An additional option is seeking a court order for protection from abuse or stalking. The CARE office can assist with this. K-State Police enforce court orders in areas where they have authority to exercise their police power, including on K-State property.

What to Do If You or Someone You Know Has Been Sexually Assaulted

Anyone who has experienced sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking is encouraged to do the following:

  • Get to a safe place. If someone poses an immediate danger to you or anyone else, alert the police as soon as possible.
  • Call 911 for an emergency or call 785-532-6412 if it is not an emergency.
  • Once safe, call someone you trust and ask them to stay with you.
  • Go to the nearest medical facility/emergency room. Specially trained medical professionals can perform a post-sexual assault exam at Via Christi Hospital in Manhattan through a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. It is important to seek appropriate medical attention to ensure your health and well-being, as well as to preserve any physical evidence. If you suspect you may have been given a drug, ask the hospital or clinic where you receive medical care to take a urine sample. The urine sample should be preserved as evidence.
  • You should take steps to preserve any physical evidence because it will be necessary to prove criminal domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or to obtain a protective order. If the police are notified, they may be able to provide you with some further assistance. Prior to going to a medical facility/Emergency Room you are also encouraged to:
    • Not wash your hands, bathe, or douche. Do not urinate, if possible.
    • Not eat, blow your nose, drink liquids, smoke, or brush your teeth if oral contact took place.
    • Keep the clothing worn when the incident occurred. If you change clothing, place the worn clothing in a paper bag.
    • Not destroy any physical evidence that may be found in the vicinity of the incident and do not clean or straighten the location of the crime until law enforcement officials have had an opportunity to collect evidence.
    • Tell someone all the details you remember and write them down as soon as possible.
    • Maintain text messages, pictures, online postings, video and other documentary or electronic evidence that may corroborate a complaint.
  • For professional and confidential support, call a confidential source, such as C.A.R.E., at 785-532-6444; help is available 24 hours a day. Other similar resources include the Office of Student Life, 24 hours a day at 785-532-6432 and the Counseling Center at 785-532-6927. Please note that CARE employees are not responsible employees required to report discrimination under PPM 3010, but may have other reporting obligations in the event of an imminent or ongoing threat to the campus community. CARE advocates' confidentiality is adhered to, to the greatest extent possible, but is different than the legally protected privilege afforded to persons providing licensed counseling services. 

Students and Employees

Pregnant and Parenting

Title IX provides for equal educational opportunities for pregnant and parenting students. It prohibits educational institutions from discriminating against pregnant students based upon their marital status and cannot discriminate against a student because of childbirth, false pregnancy, or recovery from related conditions.

A pregnant student should be granted a leave of absence for as long as it is deemed medically necessary for her to be absent, at the conclusion of her leave, she must be allowed to resume the status she held when the leave began.

The regulations state the following (b) Pregnancy and related conditions. (1) A recipient shall not discriminate against any student, or exclude any student from its education program or activity, including any class or extracurricular activity, on the basis of such student's pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery therefrom, unless the student requests voluntarily to participate in a separate portion of the program or activity of the recipient.Although this pamphlet focuses on secondary schools, the legal principles apply to all recipients of federal financial assistance, including postsecondary institutions. (4) A recipient shall treat pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy and recovery therefrom in the same manner and under the same policies as any other temporary disability with respect to any medical or hospital benefit, service, plan or policy which such recipient administers, operates, offers, or participates in with respect to students admitted to the recipient's educational program or activity.

If you have any questions regarding your rights as a pregnant or parenting student, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.

Male Complainants

There are many assumptions about sexual assault and men’s sexuality that create an environment difficult to navigate for men who have been sexually assaulted, and it’s important to distinguish the myths from the realities.

If you have been sexually assaulted there is support

Please contact these resources.

Non-K-State Resources also include

For more information, see Title IX.

LGBTQ Complainants
If you have been sexually assaulted there is support

Please contact these resources.

For information from the Spectrum Center at K-State, please call 785-532-5352.

OIE is Neutral

Our investigators do not take sides. We are committed to providing a prompt, thorough, and fair review, and our investigations are focused on the available information. We can also help you as either the Complaining Party or the Respondent by providing information about support and advocacy services.

Support Person

See Frequently Asked Questions.

For Student Complainants: Student Support & Accountability (SSA) has professional staff members available to assist in the role support person or to provide academic support. This service may be obtained by contacting 785-532-6432. SSA can also help identify additional resources for support as well as work with you during the investigation process and thereafter as needed.

Confidentiality and Privacy

See Frequently Asked Questions.

Title IX Grievance Process

During the grievance process, the university will provide equitable treatment of complainants and respondents and will not stereotype based on a party’s status as complainant or respondent. The university will presume respondent did not violate policy unless and until a determination is made after a hearing. The university will provide conflict and bias-free institutional participants.

Interviewing the Parties

Typically, the investigators' first step will be to meet with the complainant in order to fully understand the allegations. After the investigators understand the nature and scope of the allegations, the respondent will be asked about the allegations and given a full and fair opportunity to respond. Both the complainant and respondent are strongly encouraged to share all information, including documentation and names of witnesses, if any with the investigators. The Complainant and Respondent will not be present during each other’s interviews.

Gathering Other Information

The investigators interview witnesses and review all documentation deemed relevant to the situation. The investigators may also contact the parties with additional questions or to request additional information. Complainants can suggest relevant witnesses.

Case/Investigation Updates

You have the right to be informed of the status of your case/investigation through the Office of Institutional Equity. To request a status update, please email the investigator assigned to your case at equity@k-state.edu

ART Investigation Report

The investigators/Administrative Review Team (ART) will consider all information gathered during an investigation and prepare a report, which will be shared with the Deciding Administrator. The report is not shared with the witnesses. The ART makes findings and recommendations as to whether a violation of the Policy occurred and, if so, recommends sanctions.


See Frequently Asked Questions.


If you have any other questions about the investigation or investigation process, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) at
785-532-6220 | TRS 711 or equity@k-state.edu.

For more information, see Title IX.