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  4. »Milling Science Club order pickup

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

December 3, 2021

Milling Science Club order pickup

Submitted by Fran Churchill

The response to Milling Science Club's Holiday Sale has been overwhelming — so we are structuring our pickup times next week as follows:

  • Monday, Dec. 6: last names A through E.
  • Tuesday, Dec. 7: last names F through J.
  • Wednesday, Dec. 8: last names K through O.
  • Thursday, Dec. 9: last names P through Z.
  • Friday: anyone else who hasn't picked up yet.

Pickup times will be 1-5 p.m. each day. To pick up your order, come in the front door of Shellenberger Hall, through the front lobby doors, and you will see a table set up to your right. We will have club members available to take your order to your car if needed.

Thank you so much for your support — this sale supports student trips to the International Association of Operative Millers annual conference and field trips to grain processing facilities. 

For questions please email floursales@k-state.edu