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K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

August 26, 2021

Charlie Award recognizes advisors

Submitted by Katelin Christianer-Donkers

The Charlie Award committee thanks the K-State community for helping us to award 14 amazing advisors over the course of the year. Without your nominations, we wouldn't have known the exceptional things our advisors are doing for their students, colleges, departments and the advising community.

We have awarded faculty and primary role advisors in four colleges, on two campuses and from NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. Below is a recap of who has won the award over the last year.

  • September 2020: Dave Auckly, mathematics.
  • October 2020: Rachel Levitt, gender, women, and sexuality studies.
  • November 2020: Elli Archer, open option.
  • December 2020: Robert Pettay, kinesiology.
  • January 2021: Mechelle Martinez, College of Education.
  • February 2021: Karla Girard, food, nutrition, dietetics and health.
  • March 2021: Jenn MacFadyen, food, nutrition, dietetics and health.
  • April 2021: Lindsey Cordill, College of Business Administration.
  • May 2021: Vanetta Geiger, hospitality management.
  • June 2021: Charlie Nutt, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising.
  • July 2021: Lindsay Larson, food, nutrition, dietetics and health.
  • July 2021 additional awardees: Beth Stuewe; Global Campus, and Katelin Christianer-Donkers; Education Abroad.
  • August 2021: Chloe Wallace, Division of Biology.

Don't stop now! To be able to continue recognizing amazing advisors, we need you to continue nominating those advisors who are making a difference in the lives of their students and doing great things for their colleges and departments. For more information or to learn how to nominate someone, please visit the Recognition page on the Office of Student Success website. Nominations are accepted year-round and can be received from anyone across campus. Once a nomination is received, it remains an active nomination for one full year.