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  4. »A thank you to campus from K-State Libraries and the Division of Information Technology

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 7, 2021

A thank you to campus from K-State Libraries and the Division of Information Technology

Submitted by Cailin Riley

After the Hale Library fire, more than 80 K-State Libraries faculty and staff members plus 37 Information Technology staff members and several dozen student employees were left without spaces to work or provide services. Thanks to the generosity, assistance and compassion of the K-State community, staff were welcomed into new spaces across campus while Hale Library was renovated.

After nearly three years, the completion of the renovation project means that Libraries and IT staff once again have office spaces available in Hale Library.

"Now that construction is complete on Hale Library, staff have been moving out of their temporary offices across campus," said Lori Goetsch, dean of Libraries. "We are so grateful to those who shared their spaces with us during our time of need."

The following buildings and the units housed within provided space to displaced staff: the K-State Alumni Center, Bluemont Hall, Business Building, English building, Executive Court, Dickens Hall, Dykstra Hall, Kedzie Hall, Seaton Hall, K-State Student Union, Unger Complex and the Berney Family Welcome Center.

"People opened their spaces and equipment to us with no questions asked and no worry about the timeframe," said Rebecca Gould, director at Information Technology. "We will never be able to repay the many kindnesses that came our way. I am humbled by the generosity of so many for so long on our campus."

The K-State community is invited to attend a virtual ribbon-cutting and celebration at 6:30 p.m. April 15. Attendees must RSVP online at ksufoundation.org/rsvp/libraries/ or by calling 785-775-2040. Viewing link and details will be sent following a completed registration.

"We hope the campus community joins the celebration on April 15 because they played a substantial role in our recovery and our ability to rebuild after the fire," Goetsch said. "This celebration is also for them. They are a part of this K-State story."