October 17, 2019
College of Health and Human Sciences to recognize 11 alumni and friends during Celebration of Excellence
Submitted by College of Health and Human Sciences

The College of Health and Human Sciences will welcome 11 alumni and friends to campus Oct. 24-25 as part of the annual Celebration of Excellence. The two-day event recognizes these individuals for their contributions to the college, devotion to their area of specialization and the difference they make in people's lives.
This year's winners:
• Zoe Schumm, 2011 B.S. apparel and textiles, Distinguished Service Award.
The award recognizes alumni for achievements in their careers, leadership in their communities, and their support of K-State and the College of Health and Human Sciences. To be considered for this award, the recipient must have demonstrated significant achievements in his or her chosen career or community service. Recipients also make contributions and provide leadership in community affairs, organizational and service groups.
Schumm is a designer and social entrepreneur. She is the founder of the fair trade apparel brand, 4 All Humanity, which has empowered hundreds of workers worldwide and aids in providing education for girls in Guatemala.
• Matthew Johnson, 2012 doctoral graduate in marriage and family therapy, Distinguished Research Award.
The award recognizes a health and human sciences graduate's significant contributions to humanity, K-State and his or her profession through research. To be considered for this award, the recipient must have demonstrated significant achievements in research in his or her chosen area. Recipients also make contributions to professional organizations and/or related professions and have demonstrated support of K-State and the College of Health and Human Sciences.
Johnson is an associate professor in family science at the University of Alberta. His research focuses on understanding the development of couple relationships. He is a co-director of the Edmonton Transitions Study and is working with data from the German Family Panel, Pairfam, which is the largest study of families in the world.
• Scott Sieben, 2011 bachelor's graduate in hotel and restaurant management, Entrepreneur Award.
The award recognizes a health and human sciences graduate's entrepreneurial spirit and success in business. To be considered for this award, the recipient must demonstrate significant success in applying health and human sciences knowledge as a business owner. Recipients also make contributions and provide leadership in community affairs, organizations and service groups and have demonstrated support of K-State and the College of Health and Human Sciences.
Sieben is the owner and operator of Mr. K's Café and Bar in Manhattan. He and his wife purchased the business after they saw a need for a local restaurant and bar on the west side of town that offered a unique menu. In 2015, they added Mr. K's Mobile Kitchen and in 2018, the Siebens purchased Kite's Bar and Grill in Aggieville.
• Kyra Dreiling, 2005 bachelor's graduate in apparel and textiles, Executive Leadership Award.
This award recognizes a health and human sciences graduate who provides leadership to a major business, association or institution and who has a sustained interest in the College of Health and Human Sciences. The award also honors leadership in community affairs, professional organizations as well as support of K-State and the College of Health and Human Sciences.
Dreiling is the director of retail operations for Champion Teamwear, formerly GTM, in Manhattan. She joined the company in 2005 and has held a variety of positions in buying, store operations and management. Dreiling managed the internal buildout in 2013 of the brick-and-mortar K-State Super Store at Bill Snyder Family Stadium and led the construction project for the flagship location on McCall Road in 2014.
• International Interior Design Association Mid-America Chapter, and Jarrod Nichols, chiropractic physician, entrepreneur and innovator, Friend of the College.
The award recognizes significant ongoing support of the College of Health and Human Sciences. To be considered for this award the recipients must have demonstrated significant leadership on behalf of the college at the community, state or federal level. They also demonstrate support of the college through financial aid or in-kind contributions including, but not limited to, corporate partnerships, internship sites for students, a strong record in hiring College of Health and Human Sciences graduates, or marketing health and human sciences-related programs and resources.
The International Interior Design Association Mid-America Chapter is the commercial interior design association serving Kansas City, Wichita and surrounding communities. Through meaningful and relevant programming, events, information and data, the association addresses the business needs of design professionals, firms and industry affiliates, while providing support and connection to educators and students.
Nichols opened Nichols Chiropractic PA in 2005 with the vision of becoming a leading alternative health care option for the Manhattan community by offering diverse, individualized chiropractic care. In 2006, he established Nichols Therapy Systems LLC, an enterprise created to research, design and develop state-of-the-art therapy technologies and protocols to assist the modern physical medicine specialist in treatment and prevention of common postural conditions, most notably cervical curve loss and forward head posture. The patented iTrac is Nichols Therapy Systems' flagship project and is the only computerized system currently available delivering gentle, effective spine remodeling therapy to the cervical spine to restore the cervical lordosis and correct forward head posture.
• The Crisis Center, and Vickie James, 1976 bachelor's graduate in dietetics, Public Advocacy Award.
The award recognizes a person or organization for their impact on issues important to the fields of health and human sciences. To be considered for this award, recipients must have made a significant impact on individuals and families as a result of activity in the public advocacy arena, either as a volunteer or a professional. Recipients also have made contributions to health and human sciences-related issues in the community at large as an elected, appointed or volunteer leader, including service to organizations and programs.
The Crisis Center was incorporated in 1981 to provide free, confidential services to sexual assault and domestic violence victims residing in Clay, Geary, Marshall, Pottawatomie and Riley counties, including Fort Riley. The center provides 24-hour toll-free crisis hotlines, 24-hour face-to-face crisis intervention, supportive counseling, support groups for adult victims and for children who witness domestic violence, advocacy — including civil and criminal court advocacy — case management and safe shelter for victims and their dependent children.
James is a healthy eating/active living consultant with her own private practice, C.H.A.N.G.E4Good. She is a nationally recognized facilitator in the field of school wellness and child nutrition and has worked with hundreds of schools and community health programs across the country. James recently established an appointed Food and Farm Council of Riley County and the city of Manhattan, which serves as advisors to both city and county commissioners, and looks to improve issues such as food insecurity, food recovery, nutrition education and access to local healthy foods.
• The College Partner Award honors individuals and corporations who have provided sustained partnerships with the college to enhance student and faculty research, internships, or other educational opportunities.
Karen Hibbard is the vice president of the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce and executive director of the Manhattan Convention and Visitors Bureau. She has taken part in many things contributing to the growth surrounding the Manhattan area, including being the founding member of the Flint Hills Tourism Coalition. Hibbard serves as a voice on several tourism issues both locally and statewide, including representing tourism on the Kansas State Fair board of managers.
Jim Haney currently serves as the senior director, human resources business partner for Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company where he partners with senior business leaders in developing and supporting business strategies through organizational design and human capital management. He joined Williamson-Dickie in February after 11 years with the Lee Brand, a former division of VF Jeanswear Limited Partnership based in Merriam.
The Trust Company, an independent wealth management firm, provides financial planning, portfolio management and fiduciary administration services to individual, family, business and institutional clients. The firm opened its doors in 1992 and currently has five locations in three states, a professional staff of more than 30 employees, and assets under management exceeding $1.1 billion.