April 15, 2019
Management department hosting international strategy talk with president and CEO of Kansas Global tonight
Submitted by Brent Fritzemeier

Karyn Page, the president and CEO of Kansas Global, will present an International Strategy Talk at 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 15, in the College of Business Building Lecture Hall.
The lecture, which is sponsored by the management department in the College of Business Administration, will focus on a variety of topics surrounding international trade, including:
- Reasons for international expansion.
- Types of businesses that expand internationally.
- Foreign market choice.
- Foreign market entry mode.
- Opportunities and challenges for small businesses in the global arena.
- Career opportunities in international business.
As president and CEO of Kansas Global, a full-service trade advisory firm, Page helps companies and cities leverage their capabilities and global reach. She consults small businesses and communities across multiple industries on trade strategy, advocacy, compliance, market entry and identifying global opportunities. She also is recognized at the local, state and national levels for her expertise on export promotion and export ecosystem development in both private and public sectors.