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  4. »What do you want to see in the Hale Library of the future?

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

October 1, 2018

What do you want to see in the Hale Library of the future?

Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

When the accidental fire occurred on the roof of Hale Library on May 22, the smoke and water damage impacted nearly every space in the building. We had no choice but to close Hale Library and begin the recovery and restoration process. All books, journals and other collections items have been removed and sent offsite where they will be cleaned and stored. Almost everything else in the building has been removed, too, including furniture and even drywall in many places.

With Hale Library stripped to its core structure and metal studs, we have a rare opportunity for a complete redesign and rearrangement of the vast physical space. The Great Room will be restored accurately to the most original and historical design possible, but the look and feel of the rest of the building — and the usage of all library spaces — have potential for transformation.

How would you like the library to be improved? In order to get feedback from the K-State community, we are doing a multiphased project with in-person surveys, online surveys and focus groups.

Our ultimate goal is to bring back Hale Library better than ever. Most importantly, we want it to be designed around the needs of all who use it. We ask that you please complete a short Qualtrics survey so we can ensure the library of the future is all you envision, and hopefully more.

To stay up-to-date with our recovery progress, visit our blog, Hale Library: The Next Chapter.