JMP Licenses

K-State has a JMP license program for Microsoft Windows and Mac software. Departments, faculty/staff, and students can use JMP through this license. A current, valid K-State eID is required.

A copy of the JMP software must be licensed for each computer on which the software is used. The software is available only via download from K-State’s secure license server.

Licensing Fees

To participate in the site license program, there is an annual fee which licenses JMP for a single computer. Licenses under this agreement are for the year running Sept. 1-Aug. 31, with the annual fee due Sept. 1. The Division of Information Technology will send an invoice for payment, prorated by month to the annual license expiration date of Sept. 1:

Date of JMP purchase
Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 $40
Jan. 1 - April 30 $28
May 1 - Aug. 31 $14

Example: A JMP license purchased in December will cost $36 and is valid until Sept. 1 of next year.

Annual payment is made to the Division of Information Technology via Interfund Voucher (IFV) or KSU Foundation check for department and faculty/staff licenses. The Division of Information Technology is unable to accept personal payment for these licenses.

Students may lease JMP with departmental approval and payment directly through their department business office.

Annual Renewal

K-State renews the JMP site license annually. Each year, the Division of Information Technology will send current licensees an invoice. Upon receipt of the renewal fee, you will be sent a license-extension password. The important dates are as follows:

July 31 Expiration date for the agreement between K-State and JMP.
Sept. 1 Expiration date for agreements between K-State and students, faculty, staff who have licensed JMP.
Sept. 30 Date that the software starts warning if expired. JMP programs continue to run normally, but they will produce a warning message.
Oct. 29 JMP stops running unless the license is extended.

Get a JMP License

To apply for a license, you must submit a JMP liscense request.

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