Assessment Results

Human Resources administered the 2017 Professional Development Needs Assessment from March 6-31, 2017 to approximately 5,800 K-State employees with the exception of student employees. The assessment yielded a response rate of 28.30 percent (1,584 employees). If an employee had completed 75 percent of the survey, their response were included in the data analysis. Human Resources is committed to continuous improvement and recognizes this needs assessment as a springboard for professional development programming that aligns with the needs of the university. The Learning and Development Office was responsible for instrument design, data collection and analysis.

The needs assessment asked employees to identify professional development needs by topic in specific categories and then to prioritize those needs. Additionally, employees were asked a number of questions based on the categories of communication, interpersonal skills, essential skills, technology, leadership development and supervision. Overall, employees reviewed 71 training topics and nine programs and certificates. Questions relating to personal development in areas such as retirement planning, personal health and wellness were not included.

The links at the right provide an in-depth summary of responses for each category assessed, including raw data and open text responses.

The outcomes of the Professional Development Needs Assessment will allow Human Resources to enhance partnerships with existing K-State colleges and departments, foster a desire for lifelong learning among employees, develop and design programming that aligns with employees' needs as well as university goals and resources and assist with the professional development needs to advance K-State 2025.

2017 Needs Assessment Report

Full report (pdf)


Results by Category


Interpersonal Skills

Essential Skills

Leadership Development

Technology Skills


Supervisors' Priorities for Employees

Programs and Certificates

Employee Classification

Supervisory Status

Work Location

Additional Questions

Text Responses

Sorted by Sentiment (pdf)

Sorted by Trend (pdf)