Tools and Resources

Tools and resources

Those employees who keep processes running smoothly are invaluable. Here you'll find information on university hiring procedures for different employee classifications, student employees, FMLA, benefits, payroll and various resources for HR liaisons, managers or supervisors. Please do not hesitate to contact HR for any additional information.

For HR Liaisons For Managers and Supervisors

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Find details on personnel actions, payroll information, time and leave reporting, and more.

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Find details on recruitment, hiring, performance evaluations and more.

Hiring Toolkit Performance Management

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Find details on services provided through our Talent Acquisition team such as recruitment support, hiring guides, search committee resources and more.

Find information and topics surrounding the performance management process, performance coaching and performance reviews.

Competency Library

Quick Links

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K-State's competency Library is comprised of 38 individual competencies with robost definitions. Explore the library to learn observable and measurable skills and behaviors that contribute to workplace effectiveness and success.

Find resources at your fingertips! Bookmark our HR Liaison Quicklinks page to easily navigate to our most popular pages.

Contact Information

HRIS Transactions and Time Reporting

  • Mary-Beth Rhoads, Manager, Resource Center & Operations
  • Jeff Hauser, HRIS/IT Support


Talent Acquisition


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