Degrees and certificates

Graduate Degrees and certificates
K-State Graduate Programs and Certificates
With 40 doctoral programs, 4 educational doctoral programs, 78 master's programs, 53 graduate certificates and a variety of emphasis areas, Kansas State University offers preparation for a variety of scholarly and research careers as well as for a wide range of professional positions.
Contact a program
If you have questions about a specific program, contact the graduate program director. They are the best resource for program-specific information, such as curriculum, research or scholarly experiences, and funding opportunities.
STEM-designated programs
View a list (pdf) of STEM-designated masters and doctoral programs that are eligible for OPT extension.
Higher Learning Commission dual credit faculty qualifications
Visit the Kansas Board of Regents website for a list of online graduate degrees and courses offered by Kansas State University in some of the most common dual credit subject areas taught in the state.