Violations to SGA elections policy will be posted here as they are investigated by the Elections Board and made public pursuant to Section 0120.D of the KSU SGA Elections Code.
To report a suspected violation, please file a complaint form. You may need to sign in to your K-State OrgCentral account for the link to work properly. If you would like to appeal the decision of the Elections Board, please contact the Student Tribunal Chancellor.
2024 Elections Violations:
Complaint 24-04
Suspected Violator(s): | Alexa Heseltine |
Suspected Violation: | Chalking within 30 feet of the main entrance to Cardwell Hall. |
Elections Code: |
0113.E.3 No chalking is allowed within 30 feet of the entrance to any building on campus. |
Complaint Filed By: | Vivian Griffith |
Hearing: | Wednesday, February 21, 3:30 p.m. |
Determination: | In Violation |
Ruling: |
No Penalty The confimed conduct was the candidate's first offense, and, in the opinion of the Elections Board, did not acheive a meaningful competitive advantage. |
Complaint 24-03
Suspected Violator(s): | Jacob Hofman |
Suspected Violation: | Chalking on stairs near Ackert Hall. |
Elections Code: |
0113.E.1 Chalking is permitted only on sidewalks. Chalking is not permitted on stairs and any area not generally intended as a pathway for pedestrians. |
Complaint Filed By: | Vivian Griffith |
Hearing: | Wednesday, February 21, 3:30 p.m. |
Determination: | In Violation |
Ruling: |
No Penalty The confimed conduct was the candidate's first offense, and, in the opinion of the Elections Board, did not acheive a meaningful competitive advantage. |
Complaint 24-02
Suspected Violator(s): | Paige Vulgamore and Jack O'Malley |
Suspected Violation: | Including a link to campaign materials on a private campaign Instagram profile prior to 8:00 a.m. on January 16. |
Elections Code: |
0113.A.4 Campaign materials, such as stickers, buttons, T-shirts, websites and other materials not listed in these regulations, shall not be dispersed or publicized until the first day of classes for the spring semester at 8:00 AM. |
Complaint Filed By: | Bently Taulbert |
Hearing: | N/A |
Determination: | Declined to Review |
Ruling: |
The alleged activity did not feed content to other users, and does not constitute "publication" as limited by 0113.A.4. |
Complaint 24-01
Suspected Violator(s): | Paige Vulgamore and Jack O'Malley |
Suspected Violation: | Distributing t-shirts to Campaign Staff and Campaign Workers prior to 8:00 a.m. on January 16. |
Elections Code: |
0113.A.4 Campaign materials, such as stickers, buttons, T-shirts, websites and other materials not listed in these regulations, shall not be dispersed or publicized until the first day of classes for the spring semester at 8:00 AM. |
Complaint Filed By: | Bently Taulbert |
Hearing: | N/A |
Determination: | Declined to Review* |
Ruling: |
Per Elections Code 0102.A.1, Candidates, Campaign Staff, and Campaign Workers represent a "Campaign". Because they are separate from the general K-State student body, the alleged activity does not constitute "dispersal" as limited by 0113.A.4. |
*This decision, made by the Elections Board on January 17, was appealed to the Student Tribunal, citing:
The determination of validity or violation failed to follow the written procedures and rules as outlined in the Elections Regulations Code.
The Student Tribunal, upholding the decision, ruled that the Elections Board followed appropriate procedure in declining a review of Complaint 24-01. For more information on how cases of election misconduct may be appealed, please refer to Section 0123 of the KSU SGA Elections Code.