Import Assessment Materials From Another Course
Note: All aligned course-level assessment materials (outcomes, rubrics, question banks, and assignments) must be copied at the same time for alignments to be retained in the imported copies
1. Click Settings
2. Click Import Content into this Course
3. Select Copy a Canvas Course in the drop-down menu
4. Select the course you wish to copy content from by either selecting it from the drop-down list, or by typing the name in the box and clicking the name when it appears
5. Select content – selecting All content will include all assessment materials. Outcomes, Rubrics, question banks, and assignments can be copied individually by clicking Select specific content
6. Click Import
7. If you chose Select Specific content, choose the content you want to copy to the new course. Then click Select Content.
8. Canvas will display the status of the import and notify you when you import is completed.