Weber and Call Hall Renovations

Matching Top Ag Talent with Top Ag Facilities

The future is bright for top talent in Animal Sciences and Industry students, faculty, researchers and industry partners. The Ag Innovation Initiative helps connect the top talent already in the College of Agriculture to new top tier facilities including proposed updates to Weber and Call Hall, the new Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation and the new Bilbrey Family Event Center.

Features of the Weber and Call Hall Renovations:

  • Allow students to have hands-on learning on the main campus with a new learning pavilion. This upgrade is critical for the unique learning experiences through classes like Livestock and Meat Evaluation and Animal Sciences and Industry 105 labs. The Pavilion will have adjacent animal holding facilities and direct access to the updated Meat Lab to integrate live-to-meat evaluation.
  • Improve the accessibility within Weber Hall.
  • Provide much-needed updates to research and teaching labs.
  • Access for students to have comfortable studying and integration spaces like the relocated Jack Riley Student Center.
  • Modernize and update classrooms with new learning spaces, such as Weber 123 or the Miles McKee Auditorium.


Invitation to invest

Now is the time to invest — Kansas State University has an inspiring opportunity. To help the world’s ability to feed two billion more people by 2050. To contribute to a Kansas economy that thrives. To optimize agriculture for the highest levels of efficiency and yield. The sky’s the limit.

Give today
Caroline Kolins