Tutoring Services
Tutoring Services offers free tutoring to all students taking courses at K-State. Our highly trained peer tutors facilitate the learning process instead of providing answers. Tutoring focuses on the success of the learning process as a whole not just the end result.
How does Tutoring support Student Success?
- Aids in the development of a student's ability to learn by asking engaging questions, providing challenge alongside support, and teaching students the skills they need to succeed.
- Provides excellent learning opportunities to K-State students in entry-level courses, introductory courses into majors/programs, and courses that have high DFW (Drop/Fail/Withdrawal) percentages.
30+ professionally trained tutors
Covering 80+ courses across all subjects
88% of students report their grades improve from tutoring
I’m grateful for my tutor. French hasn’t been the easiest for me to understand, but it’s evident that my tutor has a great understanding of different methods and resources I could use to become more familiar with it.
K-State Student
My time working at the tutoring center was very rewarding and I would recommend it to anyone looking for good part-time work where they can be of help to others.
Former Tutor
Interested in being a tutor? Check out our employment opportunities!
Tutoring Services start the second week of each semester, end the last Friday before finals week, and is closed during all university holidays and breaks.