Principle 5-1
Anger to fear
Anger and fear are related because they are both responses to an unjust threat.

#4. Anger to fear. One the next page in your journal, make two columns. Label one column anger, the other fear. Write an example of circumstance that could produce anger. Let's start with the previous example of the child spitting in your face. What would it take for that circumstance to trigger more fear than anger?

The teenager might produce a dangerous weapon, a gun perhaps. A more deadly adult might appear. Fear may emerge from anger.

Try this one in the anger column: A stranger bumps into you from behind. What would cause the anger to become fear?

Identify at least two more situations that could start with anger and then shift to fear.

Examine the two columns once again and notice how our minds, how we interpret a situation, can cause our emotion to change.

Next: Principle 6: Emotions exist in layers