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  4. »Science fiction film course offered

K-State Today Student Edition

November 15, 2023

Science fiction film course offered

Submitted by the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

THTRE 630 A: Science Fiction Film will be offered in spring 2024 from 10:30-11:20 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

All students interested — regardless of major — are invited to enroll. Contact Professor Shannon Skelton with questions at sbskelton@k-state.edu

Topics of discussion include dystopia/utopia, speculative worlds, afro-futurism(s), extraterrestrial life, alternative intelligence, time travel, augmented reality, cybernetics and queer-futurism(s).

Films considered include: "Metropolis," "La Jetee," "2001: A Space Odyssey," "Born in Flames," "Dune," "Alphaville," "Alien," "Arrival," "Primer," "Black Panther," "Moon" and "The Expanse."