August 21, 2023
Join Week of Welcome at K-State Libraries, get a free T-shirt

K-State Libraries is offering students several exciting events to participate in during Week of Welcome from Monday, Aug. 21, through Friday, Aug. 25.
Below is a full list of events for students to attend. You can find this list and more details on the event webpage.
At Hale Library:
- Map Your Path at Hale Library, 7 p.m. Aug. 22. Explore Hale Library by visiting the interactive stations. The first 175 students will receive a free T-shirt.
At Weigel Library:
- Weigel Library Lego Competition, Aug. 21-25. Sign up to compete for your chance to be the 2023 Weigel Library Lego Champion, 81 Regnier Hall.
At Weigel Library and Math/Physics Library:
Branching Out, Aug. 23-25. Stop by one of the branch libraries any time between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to receive a free starter plant.