December 14, 2021
Donate items when you Move Out For Hunger

If you are moving out of the residence halls or Manhattan, you may find yourself with items that you don't want to pack. Rather than wasting those items, consider donating them to Cats' Cupboard. K-State's Food Recovery Network and Cats' Cupboard have partnered with Housing and Dining Services to offer Move Out For Hunger.
Donation drop boxes are located in the lobby of each dormitory on campus for students to donate items as they move out from Dec. 13-18. Items accepted include:
- Unopened, nonperishable food items.
- Unopened hygiene products.
- New or gently used kitchen/household appliances.
Most needed items include:
- Microwaves.
- Can openers — manual and electric.
- Dish soap.
- Toothpaste.
- Deodorant.
- Ramen noodles.
- Shelf-stable milk.
- Gluten-free items.
Items that cannot be accepted include:
- Perishable foods.
- Used hygiene products.
- Clothes.
- School supplies.
Items can also be dropped off at Cats' Cupboard during their regular hours. Beginning Dec. 13-22, Cats' Cupboard, in 9 Fairchild Hall, is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday.