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K-State Today

October 18, 2021

President and provost to host virtual town hall meeting Oct. 22 for faculty and staff

Submitted by Communications and Marketing

President Richard Myers and Provost Charles Taber will host the next virtual town hall meeting for faculty and staff from 9-10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 22, via YouTube live

Access will require a K-State eID to view the session. The video also will be archived at that same site.

Planned discussions include updates on COVID-19, Strategic Investment proposal process and the Campus Beautification Project. The town hall will include time for questions and answers.

The final town hall of the semester will take place Friday, Dec. 3.


In this issue

From the administration
News and research
Human resources and benefits
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction and maintenance
University life
Volunteer opportunities